Voter Roll Look Up
Search the Electoral Roll below
The Roll Lookup contains the Electoral Roll data as of June 2022
If the Roll Lookup has not identified an EXACT MATCH for your name. Please refine your search to consider the following:
- You can try searching with a different spelling of your first or last name
- You can try searching in other locations if there is a chance that you may still be enrolled in a previous ward or place of residence.
- You can try searching with transposed (i.e. swapped) First and Last Names, or another name such as maiden name if it is possible that you may have previously enrolled under another name.
- Updated Bougainville voter information is currently being imported to the voter lookup search engine. Please be assured the updated Bougainville roll information is being used for the certified list of voters that will be used during polling.
- Enrolment is currently closed. If you wish to amend your details or add your name to the Electoral Roll, please contact your Provincial Election Office for more information after the National General Election.
The PNGEC Voter Roll Lookup App on the Google Playstore (Android) can also be downloaded to perform an open search for your name. If you successfully find your name through the application then re-search through the website with exactly how your name is shown.
For additional information on Voter Roll Look Up with the Android Application please Click Below.